ROI-MOB - Measuring return on investment from European VET mobility
Fabbris Luigi, Scioni Manuela (2018)
Data come from the project "Measuring the return on investment from EU VET mobility - ROI-MOB". The ROI-MOB research was designed to give a holistic view on the international Vocational Education and Training (VET) mobility process in Europe. Precisely, its main challenge was to define through an algorithm and quantify through a set of direct surveys an indicator representing the (both positive and negative, complex, short-to-medium term) effects of European VET mobility. Three sample surveys were held in four European countries - Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain - to collect data on the phenomenon of VET international mobility funded by the Erasmus+ programme. After the analysis of the results, a fourth survey was carried out on a small sample of European key witnesses. The surveys were carried out from March 2018 to August 2018 through a Computer Assisted Web-based Interviewing (CAWI), consisting of an electronic questionnaire sent to samples of participants, schools and companies involved in the VET mobility process.
Related publications: -FABBRIS L., BOETTI L. (2019), ROI-MOB Measuring the return on investment in VET mobility in the European Union, Cooperativa Libraria Editrice Università di Padova, Padova