INF/2 Italian Fertility Survey

Ongaro Fausta (1996)

The second Italian fertility survey INF/2 (within the UN-ECE project "Family and Fertility Surveys") was carried out between November 1995 and January 1996. It concerns the collection by interview of life course data on education, working career, partnership and reproduction, and on expected nuptiality and fertility.
Unlike the World Fertility Survey carried out around the '80s, the Family and Fertility Surveys, co-ordinated in the '90s by the Population Activity Unity of the UN Economic Commission for Europe, concerned the developed countries only, trying to improve the comparability of the observations and of the results. A closer convergence of the participating countries was one of the goals both at the stage of preparing the surveys and particularly at the stage of data analysis and management.
Data come from the Italian Survey, included in this project. 4824 women and 1206 men from 20 to 49 years of age were interviewed.

The project has benefited from the collaboration between researchers of many universities, IRP-CNR and ISTAT, and from the financial support of CNR, MURST, ISTAT.

Related publications:

- DE SANDRE P., ONGARO F., RETTAROLI R., SALVINI S. (1997), Matrimonio e figli: tra rinvio e rinuncia, il Mulino, Bologna
- DE SANDRE P., PINNELLI A., SANTINI A. (1999), Nuzialità e fecondità in trasformazione: percorsi e fattori del cambiamento, il Mulino, Bologna
- Seconda indagine sulla fecondità in Italia : Seconda indagine nazionale sulla fecondità, 1995-96 : questionari  (a cura del Gruppo nazionale di ricerca), 1999, Padova : C.L.E.U.P., available frome the Library of Statistical Sciences "B.Colombo" at the University of Padova, placement D.5.Coll.XVII.A.6

General Info

Depositing user: Ongaro Fausta

Last modified: 15-06-2022


License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

Collection period: from November 1995 to January 1996

Type of data: Database

Lenders: The project has benefited from the financial support of CNR, MURST, ISTAT



Surname Name Email ORCID
Ongaro Fausta

Available Files

Data Description Size
women.csv Data about women in csv format 26.83 MB Login to request access
women.Rdata Data about women in R format 1.30 MB Login to request access
women.sas7bdat Data about women in SAS format 11.06 MB Login to request access
var_women.pdf Description of the variables of the file women 1.00 MB
men.csv Data about men in csv format 6.20 MB Login to request access
men.Rdata Data about men in R format 321.35 KB Login to request access
men.sas7bdat Data about men in SAS format 5.89 MB Login to request access
var_men.pdf Description of the variables of the file men 983.32 KB
README.pdf Readme file 5.34 KB