Vicenza - Biometric research on cervical mucus: ideal and atipical cycles

Colombo Bernardo (1990)

Data come from the Family Counselling of Vicenza and Padova. Daily observations on cervical mucus were collected from women that contacted the Counselling. The study produced a database of more than 250 women and more of 2500 menstrual cycles. For each cycle, informations about quality and type of mucus were collected. Cycles were splitted into two groups: the first group was called "Ideal" and included cycles with well specified charachteristics; the second group was called "Atipical" and included cycles that missed at least one of those charachteristics. Data also allowed to analyse cervical mucus intervals by studying their length and the distance between consecutive cycles.

The collected data are in three files:
1) women: general information on the women recorded at their first entry into the study
2) cycle1: with information on each cycle for cycles of length up to 50 days
3) cycle2: as for cycle1 but for cycles of length above 50 days

Bernardo Colombo's works:

Bernardo Colombo's publications:

General Info

Depositing user: Canesso Tommaso

Last modified: 08-04-2022


License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

Collection period: from 1978 to 1990

Type of data: Database



Surname Name Email ORCID
Colombo Bernardo UNSPECIFIED

Available Files

Data Description Size
women.csv The file includes general information on the women recorded at their first entry into the study. Data in csv format. 11.79 KB Login to request access
women.Rdata The file includes general information on the women recorded at their first entry into the study. Data in R format. 2.97 KB Login to request access
women.sas7bdat The file includes general information on the women recorded at their first entry into the study. Data in SAS format. 128.00 KB Login to request access
cycle1.csv The file includes information on each cycle for cycles of length up to 50 days. Data in csv format. 612.42 KB Login to request access
cycle1.Rdata The file includes information on each cycle for cycles of length up to 50 days. Data in R format. 44.37 KB Login to request access
cycle1.sas7bdat The file includes information on each cycle for cycles of length up to 50 days. Data in SAS format. 704.00 KB Login to request access
cycle2.csv The file includes information on each cycle for cycles of length above 50 days. Data in csv format. 14.57 KB Login to request access
cycle2.Rdata The file includes information on each cycle for cycles of length above 50 days. Data in R format. 2.55 KB Login to request access
cycle2.sas7bdat The file includes information on each cycle for cycles of length above 50 days. Data in SAS format. 128.00 KB Login to request access
merge_ord.csv The file includes the three previous files ordered according to the code of the woman, the number of the series and the number of the cycle. Data in csv format. 1.16 MB Login to request access
merge_ord.Rdata The file includes the three previous files ordered according to the code of the woman, the number of the series and the number of the cycle. Data in R format. 53.95 KB Login to request access
merge_ord.sas7bdat The file includes the three previous files ordered according to the code of the woman, the number of the series and the number of the cycle. Data in SAS format. 1.31 MB Login to request access
var_women.pdf Description of the variables of the file "women" 126.50 KB
var_cycle1.pdf Description of the variables of the file "cycle1" 222.36 KB
var_cycle2.pdf Description of the variables of the file "cycle2" 220.95 KB
var_merge_ord.pdf Description of the variables of the file "merge_ord" 227.60 KB
README.pdf Readme file 101.57 KB
Further documentation Characteristics and Limits of the Available Data Bases 299.30 KB
Data access - Instructions Data are protected. These are the instructions that must be followed to request the access to the files. 184.88 KB
Data access - Application form Data are protected. This is the application form that must be used to request the access to the files. 124.28 KB